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The Ridge Publishing Group: RPG Blog Community Guidelines

The Ridge Publishing Group’s blogs are exciting new blog sites that can be enjoyed individually or in conjunction with the blog sites parent website at:

You can discover behind the scenes information from the author, learn about the author’s trial and tribulations, and much more. It is FREE to participate and use and is designed to be safe for humans of all ages — please see our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Digital Comm Policy, and Child Safety Guidelines, in addition to these Blog Community Guidelines.

The purpose of the following RPG Blog Community Guidelines is to shape online discussion and debate. It’s not about restricting freedom of speech. It’s about making the blogosphere safer for people who want to express themselves freely without being subjected to cyber-bullying and hate attacks. We believe that our websites and blog sites are our online homes. And it’s up to us to decide who we want to allow on our turf.


  • You may post comments to our blogs.
  • Your comments should follow the rules of common human decency. We don’t mind the comments, just the sentiments behind them. We don’t write anything on our blogs that we wouldn’t say to someone in real life. Nor would we tolerate comments that we would not tolerate in actual face-to-face conversations. And that is what blogs are — a conversation.
  • However, we do make an exception for critical comments posted with good intention — and reply to these with like intention. Honest criticism is always welcome, because it’s what makes blogs so valuable as a medium for communications.
  • It’s the comments posted solely for the purpose of being nasty or spam that we delete. We simply choose not to allow negativity or spam into our lives — and we believe, nor should you.


  • We take responsibility for our own words and reserve the right to restrict comments on our blog that do not conform to basic civility standards.
  • We won’t say anything online that we wouldn’t say in person.
  • If tensions escalate, we will connect privately before we respond publicly.
  • When we believe someone is unfairly attacking another, we will take action.
  • Comments that contain obscenity, libel, and suspected spam content will be deleted.
  • We do not allow anonymous comments. We will ban anonymous comments left by visitors to our pages.
  • We ignore the trolls. We believe that feeding the trolls only encourages them. As George Bernard Shaw said, “I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”
  • When appropriate, we will link to other websites and blogs. We are not responsible for the opinions and content of those sites.
  • We will respond to emails and comments quickly.


RPG Blog Community Guidelines

If you have any questions about these guidelines or any matter related to our sites that these guidelines do not address, please direct them to L. A. Moeszinger at

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